General Information
Unit Conversions
Table: Prefix Multipliers
Exponent | Prefix | Abbreviation | Exponent | Prefix | Abbreviation |
exa | E | deci | d | ||
peta | P | centi | c | ||
tera | T | milli | m | ||
giga | G | micro | |||
mega | M | nano | n | ||
kilo | k | pico | p | ||
hecto | h | femto | f | ||
10 | deka | da | atto | a |
Greek Symbols Used for Aircraft
Symbol | Usage |
angle of attack (degrees or radians) | |
tail angle of attack | |
angle of sideslip (degrees) | |
flight path angle relative to horizontal | |
specific heat ratio (1.4 for air) | |
relative pressure ratio ( ) | |
aileron deflection angle | |
rudder deflection angle | |
elevator deflection angle | |
downwash angle at tail (degrees) | |
damping ratio | |
efficiency | |
body axis/pitch angle | |
relative temperature ratio, | |
angle of incidence | |
thrust angle of incidence | |
* | horizontal tail angle of incidence |
pressure lag constant | |
wing sweep angle | |
coefficient of absolute viscosity = | |
Mach cone angle | |
kinematic viscosity = | |
nondimensional parameter | |
density | |
ambient air density | |
standard atmospheric density | |
air density ratio | |
critical density | |
shear stress (pounds per square inch) psi | |
Roll Mode Time Constant (sec) | |
bank angle (degrees) | |
aircraft heading (degrees) | |
frequency | |
rotational velocity (radians per second) | |
damped natural frequency | |
natural undamped frequency |